Book and Lyrics by Nick MeglinTim and Scrooge
Music by Neil Berg
Runtime: Approximately 2 hours
Cast: 4F, 10M
Ages: 4+

Set more than a decade after the events of A Christmas Carol conclude. Tim (no longer Tiny) Cratchit approaches his 21st birthday. While away at university he has fallen in love with a beautiful orphan girl named Allison, but upon returning home also discovers he will soon assume management of the Scrooge and Marley Counting House. Tim, however, is more interested in being a teacher than a money manager, and signs away control of the business to two sleazy speculators, beginning a series of events that threatens to tear him away from his family and Allison unless the spirit of the long deceased Scrooge can help him set things right again.

Accompaniment tracks available.

Take a look at the script here: TIM AND SCROOGE perusal copy (sample)