By Russell Davis
Runtime: 60 min.
Cast: 3 F, 1 M
Ages: 5+
Commissioned/Produced by People’s Light and Theatre Company. 2010 Production at Orlando Shakespeare Theater; 2013 Cincinnati Playhouse.
Take one girl, equipped with a basket of goodies. Add one Grandmother, sick in bed. Combine with one Wolf, lurking mischievously. Toss in one skeptical Mother, and let simmer for one hour. Russell Davis stirs the ingredients of this well-loved tale in new postmodern directions, concocting a sly and spicy story that delights children and adults right down to the last surprising bite.
“…a familiar tale gets an original twist, not just in the story but in the way kids think about it.” – The Philadelphia Inquirer
“…we’re completely won over by Davis’ fractured fairy tale style.” – The Daily Local News
“…the Wolf’s ‘Hamlet’ references amuse adults as much as the slapstick comedy tickles children.” – Main Line Times
Take a look at the script here: THE LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD SHOW perusal copy (sample)